Premium Tier I - Jewelry Community

Network with Industry

further refine your sales techniques and product knowledge.

Expand your professional network by attending our industry events, where you can meet influential figures and discover new business opportunities.

Network with Industry Leaders

The Millionaire Businessmen Club is trusted by industry leaders in the jewelry sector as a community that lifts up sales professionals to transfer knowledge of best practices, selling techniques and education.


Myles Ether
“Couldn't say enough good things about this group of lads. I was able to source the watch I needed in less-than 24 hours with the transparency and right documentation and escrow services used it was proper business."
Paul Morgan
“Great group, kuddos for doing things the right way rather than the easy way. I am still getting compliments about the new sales methodologies and food served at my wedding.”
James Toungsden
“I learnt a lot about trading strategies in the commodities sector and I was able to take my knowledge and
experience from the group apply it into my day-to-day life and implement the travel hacks into my business as well."
Mohsen Ambani
“Building a connection with a core group of businessmen that you  turn to for counsel is key to success, I'm very glad to have joined this group the advisory is top-class."

Join the Community - £2500 Initiation Fee. Our ethos is about promoting green energy and is embraced and prioritized within members of the Millionaire Businessmen Club Values.

Join The Group
This group will give you access to wholesalers and gem experts.

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